Never Too Young Survey 2019

The purpose of this survey is to explore perceptions of patients and survivors who were diagnosed with colorectal cancer before the age of 50 as well as caregivers of patients diagnosed before the age of 50 years old regarding priority health, social and other needs.


Participation in this study is entirely voluntary. You can choose not to participate at all,  or discontinue participation and not submit the online survey.


The survey includes four main sections: demographics (e.g., age, gender, race) and lifestyle prior to diagnosis; your experience with symptoms and diagnosis; your experience in obtaining care, and your experiences during your survivorship journey.


This survey should take approximately 20-30 minutes to complete. Once you complete the questions and submit the survey, your response will be sent directly to the Colorectal Cancer Alliance Principal Investigator.


All of your responses to this survey will remain anonymous and cannot be linked to you in any way. No identifying information about you will be collected at any point during the study. The system has been determined to be sufficiently protected/secure to allow for its use by the Colorectal Cancer Alliance researchers. Once you submit your completed survey, there will be no way to withdraw your responses from the study because there is no mechanism to identify you. Study data are returned to the researcher in a digital format that does not identify individual responses. The digital, non-identifiable, data will be kept by the researcher on a password-protected computer. Aggregate, non-identifiable data will be shared with the medical community and the public to increase awareness to this important public health issue.


There are no risks associated with this study. While you will not experience any direct benefits from participation, information collected in this study may benefit others in the future by contributing to our knowledge and understanding of young-onset colorectal cancer patient experiences.  This includes, but is not limited to, the challenges faced by patients and their caregivers.


If you have any questions regarding the survey or this research project in general, please contact the principal investigators, Dr. Ronit Yarden, PhD, MHSA at (202)-628-0123, Kim Newcomer at (202)-207-0252 or via email at If you have any questions about your rights as a research participant, please contact the Institutional Review Board (IRB at (619) 469-0108) or


If you agree to participate, you are asked to fill out a survey provided below.  By completing and submitting this survey, you are indicating your consent to participate in this study.  There is no need for a signed consent to participate.



Lifestyle prior to cancer diagnosis

Colorectal cancer information

Family History

Path to your diagnosis of colorectal cancer

Prior to seeing a doctor, in what order did your symptoms appear? Using the numbers 1 - 12, please rank your symptoms in order of appearance. Use 0 to indicate that you did not experience this symptom. Use the same number twice for symptoms that appeared simultaneously.

Biomarkers and treatment options

Clinical trials

I want to:

Please indicate how strongly you agree or disagree

Treatment journey and outcomes

Please rate your experiences below:

Fertility and sexual dysfunction

Single adults may experience physical and emotional changes during and after cancer treatment

Please rate your experiences below.

Mental Health

Please rate your experiences below.

Financial Experience



Caregiver's journey

Please rate your experiences as a caregiver below.

Resource Availability
Please rate the amount of information and resources that were available to you and the patient during and after treatment.


More needed

Caregiver Support Needs

Always Often Sometimes Rarely Never
Please rank your stress coping mechanisms. Using the numbers 1 - 11, please rank your coping mechanisms in order of use. Use 0 if the option does not apply or you prefer not answer. Use the same number twice for coping mechanisms that are used simultaneously.

Mental Health
Please rate your experiences as a caregiver below.

Financial Experience
Please rate your financial experiences below.

Caregivers Role Changes
The roles and responsibilities of caregivers often change as the relationship with a patient evolves. Please rate how often you felt your roles and responsibilities changed.
Always Often Sometimes Rarely Never

